How I Cured My Fear of Flying – And By Fear I Mean Terror
That moment when the plane turned into the runway, when the engines flared and the brake was taken off sent me into a dizzying spiral of terror. Rumbling down the tarmac my hands, white-knuckled, gripped the seat, teeth clenched like I had lockjaw. I knew I couldn’t keep this up. There had to be a cure.
How to Choose a Great Travel Buddy
A great travel buddy can help make your trip fantastic, providing more than just a bit of company and somebody to share the experience with. But knowing how to choose the right one isn’t so simple.
15 Mistakes Travellers Make On The Road (and How to Avoid Them)
You’re finally on the road – but just as there’s an exciting world out there waiting for you, there’s also a whole set of mistakes first timers can make. This list will help you avoid many of them.
12 Mistakes First Time Travellers Make Before They Travel
Understand this: You’re definitely going to make mistakes on your first overseas trip. But don’t panic – here’s how to avoid the worst of them.
How to Plan Your Trip Budget and Not End Up Broke
You can’t travel without hearing horror stories of people having to busk or sell their backpacks just to scrape together bus fare to the nearest city. Don’t be one of those people – budgeting will save your freedom.
6 Essential Travel Planning Apps For Your Next Trip
The 6 essential free travel planning apps designed to make planning and booking your travel easier and much less confusing.