Dunkled: Walking the Grampians Gently
The Grampians’ Mt Sturgeon walk is like something out of the Hobbit; a tangled, gnarly, grey-green forest with mossy sandstone outcrops and looming mountains cleverly hidden between the trees.
The Grampians’ Mt Sturgeon walk is like something out of the Hobbit; a tangled, gnarly, grey-green forest with mossy sandstone outcrops and looming mountains cleverly hidden between the trees.
My one foray into the glittering world of fashion was a pair of deeply flared trousers, made from – if you can believe this – apple green corduroy. You would think this would disqualify me from recommending an exhibition about Australian fashion. And you could be right.
There’s a delightfully varied texture to Melbourne, and not entirely because of it’s multi-cultural history, or it’s ongoing tug-of-war between being the home of the country’s best restaurants or Arts venues. One way or the other, Melbourne is worth taking the time to visit, to explore and discover.
I’ve always loved cherries – but I’ve never had cherries quite like these before. Opulent, vivid and syrupy, they popped in my mouth and exploded with delightful cherry goodness.